
Thoughts and prayers do something
Thoughts and prayers do something

  1. Thoughts and prayers do something mod#
  2. Thoughts and prayers do something free#

I'm not saying that's it's necessarily a justifiable reason to be upset at this, but it's a reasonable (and somewhat expectable) reaction given certain circumstances.

thoughts and prayers do something

It's easy to say, it makes you seem supportive and unfortunately a lot of people just say it for the sake of saying it. That being said, to some, thoughts and prayers seems like a way of pretending as if you care about something. Understand that to a lot of people who have just suffered through a tragic experience, sometimes stepping around them can be a bit of a minefield, because they're probably going through a lot both emotionally and mentally. There's a line between too far, and reasonable. Social media isthenew street corner from which the hypocrites flaunt their goodness and seek validation in the eyes of mankind, rather than the diety they claim to be worshipping. Mostcertainly, I tell you, they have received their reward." Matthew 6:5 “When you pray, you shall not be as the hypocrites, forthey love to stand and pray in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen by men. Not to mention that it Jesus literally said in the Bible that: Those words typed out do nothing more than attempt to desperately draw attention from an actual crisis and refocus it on the individual making the statement. I think the answer to why people dont like this phrase is best put by Anthony Jeselnik in his special that is appropriately named "Thoughts and Prayers." The problem isn't that people do not want you to pray for victims the problem is how often, during an ongoing tragedy, people jump to social media to announce for anyone that will listen that they are praying for the victims.

Thoughts and prayers do something free#

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Thoughts and prayers do something mod#

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thoughts and prayers do something

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Thoughts and prayers do something